Children are like the piece of the permanent whiteboard in which things you teach them, will play a major part in the development of their lives. Children are like flowers, if you treat them well they will blossom the in future, and if they are treated in an ill-mannered way they will fade away.

The purpose of dedicating a day to “love children” is to not only make them feel special but also provide them protection from brutal acts of society. Mental and physical torture whether at home, school, or any other place destroys the personalities of Childs. Around 10 to 15 Lac children become the victim of rape yearly.

Everyday news came about the knowledge that a minor is raped by some Dogs in the shape of Humans. How can a child grow well in those societies where they face many ill-mannered Acts? No one can imagine the feelings of a child when they experienced any kind of torture.

Does anyone want that their Children face this kind of situation ever? NO ONE and that’s the fact that we want to secure our loved children but never took steps to protect them from cruel societies. The negligence of parents plays a major role in the destruction of the personalities of their children.


The communication gap between elders and children causes a lack of confidence in children due to this they won’t able to share their feelings. It’s time to realize that children are our future so stop playing with the future and pay heed to solve the issues of them by doing friendship.

Love children and grow them in an atmosphere where they could able to develop creativity and exceptional personality traits. And support the UN initiative to provide unconditional love and support to children to secure them and their future.


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